In correlation with Episode 3, “Search Engine Optimization FAQ” from the “What’s in your Online Marketing Toolkit?” series, this blog recaps the second half of the most common SEO FAQs.
View Part 1 of the SEO FAQs
FAQs Part 2
Question: Why is SEO not a one & done project?
Answer: Search engines are constantly changing their algorithms in order to provide the best website to their users. Thus, there is a need to adapt as they adapt. These updates can happen at any time. However, if your site is properly maintained by an SEO specialist, you’re more likely to hold your ground.
Question: I don’t see how social media fits into SEO?
Answer: Social Media sites give you the opportunity to increase your inbound Links and offer additional content utilizing your keywords. These two tactics will help increase your presence online.
Question: After I do all of the optimization when will I start to see results?
Answer: This is based on the search engine spider crawl of your website. Spider crawls are software programs that review your website content for relevant keywords. The crawls could range in duration from days to months, the average being a couple of months.
Question: There has to be an easy way or shortcut I can take?
Answer: Nope, there is no simple solution to gain high ranking within search engines. SEO is time consuming and requires current knowledge of the latest SEO guidelines.
Question: I don’t have the time to constantly monitor and optimize my website but my website is an important marketing tool, so what can I do?
Answer: No problem, Informatics offers professional SEO services. We are available 24/7 to answer your questions and take on your SEO campaign.
We hope this Q&A helped with your understanding of SEO! Feel free to contact us any time of any day to ask us your SEO questions.
Make sure to watch the most recent episode of the “What’s in your Online Marketing Toolkit?” series:
Search Engine Optimization FAQ
View Episode 1: Getting to Know SEO and Social Media
View Episode 2: Elements of SEO
Search Engine Optimization FAQ Part 2
Sep 20, 2013 | Search Engine Optimization
In correlation with Episode 3, “Search Engine Optimization FAQ” from the “What’s in your Online Marketing Toolkit?” series, this blog recaps the second half of the most common SEO FAQs.
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