5 Beginner Tips for Placing Web Content

Apr 4, 2018 | Web Design

Effectively placing website content can be a challenge for beginners. Keep these best practices in mind.

Placing content on your website

Effectively placing content on your website can be a challenge for beginners. The goal is to organize content in a way that is eye-catching and easily consumable, so website visitors can quickly find what they are looking for. To break this process down, we've compiled five expert tips for content placement.

1. Resize all images

Before placing images anywhere on your website, make sure to check the file size and resize them accordingly. If image files are too large, the loading time of your website will be at risk. We typically recommend sizing images less than 72kb. Use an image editing program to optimize your images without losing their quality. 

2. Use plain text, then format

It is always best to use plain text when adding content. If you are transferring content from a document on another platform such as Microsoft Word, first paste it in a plain text generator to avoid potential formatting issues. It is best practice to format the content once it is placed, especially if you have HTML experience. 

3. Separate content blocks

It may seem easier to place all page content in one giant content block. However, breaking content up into smaller blocks makes it easier to rearrange elements and add images, page breaks and more. We highly suggest organizing your content in a way that creates a visual hierarchy for the reader's eye. To do this successfully, first strategize the order of your content from most important to least important to will help you determine what will be a block vs. a header, where your page breaks should go, etc.

4. Use visual elements to break up text

Website visitors likely did not come to your website to read lengthy pages of text. By adding visual elements throughout content, you will keep visitors more engaged and make it easier for them to find important information on your site. Some simple visual elements we recommend using are:

  • Bullet points
  • Spot-bolding text
  • Headers
  • Pull Quotes
  • Ordered Lists
  • Images
  • Icons
  • Horizontal Rules

5. Link, link, link!

Your website content should always point visitors to take an action such as contacting your business, filling out a form or visiting another page. To push these calls-to-action, link phrases and elements in your content to internal and external resources like pages on your website or an affiliate's website. If you have the design capabilities, try implementing clickable buttons that stand out visually so your visitor will feel more inclined to click it. 

Pro tip: When linking to external sources, use advanced settings to make sure the link will open in a new window. This way your visitor will not be navigated away from your site.

Now that you know the basics of content placement, you're ready to create beautiful pages on your new site! Contact Informatics for in-depth and CMS-specific tips on content placement or let the experts place your content for you.

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