What Customers Really Want From Your Facebook Page

Apr 11, 2017 | Social Media

We’re going to help you step outside of your comfort zone and start posting what your customers are most interested in.

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Do you add a link to a new article each day on your Facebook page because it’s quick and easy? Are you always posting about your services because your boss wants you to? Whatever the reason, we all fall into ruts where we post what we want to post without considering the most important question: what do my customers want to see? We’re going to help you step outside of your comfort zone and start posting what your customers are most interested in.

The Basics

Customers often visit a company’s Facebook page before visiting the company’s website. Because of this, it is important to feature basic background and contact information prominently on your Facebook page. Some of these important items include:

  • Business Hours: Make sure you include specific hours for each day of the week and don’t forget to specify time zone!
  • Phone, Address, Email: Provide as much contact information as possible so customers can reach out using their preferred method.
  • Website URL: Always link back to your website. Doing so will allow customers to easily find more information AND it helps with SEO.
  • Social Media Links: Do you have a Twitter account or LinkedIn page? Provide links so your followers can connect on multiple channels.

Customer Service

Did you know that each month over 1 billion people use Facebook Messenger yet, 87% of customer questions on Facebook pages go unanswered (HootSuite)? Which begs the question, why do you have social media if you aren’t going to be social? Make sure you take advantage of Facebook’s time-sensitive and interactive features to provide outstanding customer service.

Community Engagement

Don’t shy away from engaging your community in fun and unique ways. Here are a few ideas to help get the ball rolling:

  1. Ask your audience questions
  2. Tag other businesses (customers, affiliates) in your posts
  3. Like other pages
  4. Tag employees in culture-specific posts (find out how to get employees involved in social media)

Deals & Coupons

If you are a Business-to-Consumer (B2C) company with the ability to offer deals and coupons, Facebook is the place to do it! In fact, 42% of customers like brand pages for access to coupons and 35% of customers like a page to participate in contests and promotions (HootSuite). Give the people what they want!

It’s no longer acceptable to do what YOU think is best on social media. To really stand out you must do a little research and find out what YOUR CUSTOMERS think is best. If you need assistance with setting up or managing a social media campaign, contact Informatics Inc. today.

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