Twitter Rolls out a Major Redesign with a Focus on “BIG”

Apr 10, 2014 | Social Media

Twitter has begun rolling out a new design focused on big photos, big tweets and an overall aesthetic appeal that resembles Facebook’s current layout.


Twitter has begun rolling out a new design focused on big photos, big tweets and an overall aesthetic appeal that resembles Facebook’s current layout. The changes have led to a new design which is “somewhat less text-heavy and overwhelming for new users,” explains Lance Ulanoff at Mashable.

What Exactly Is This Redesign?

The main updates to the Twitter design include the following:

  • Large full-width header image
  • Larger, inset profile picture
  • Larger tweets – depending on the engagement level (i.e. number of replies, favorites, retweets).
  • Pinned Tweets – ability to “pin” your favorite tweet to the top of your newsfeed
  • Filtered tweets which allow you to choose which type of timeline you see (i.e. just tweets, tweets with photos/videos, tweets and replies)
  • Ability to upload up to 4 photos and create a collage
  • Rumored threat to replace the RT and do away with the beloved #hashtag
  • Reportedly, up to 15 new types of ads

Will it affect My Profile or Just Celebrities’ Profiles?

At this point, only celebrities and news users are receiving the updated Twitter design. The new design is rolling out slowly and you should have a plan in place to update your imagery when your page undergoes the change.

When Will the Rest of Us see it?

According to the big dog itself, “in the coming weeks, we will roll out the new features to everyone” (Twitter).

Why is Twitter Doing This?

Don’t let change freak you out. The Twitter redesign could be a turning point for the social media site. According to AdWeek, Twitter is “making changes to solve its most pressing issue—how to obtain and keep new users—as it looks to grow.” The larger images, new ads and news feed updates could be the answer many businesses have been looking for, especially since Facebook slowly began pushing companies to a “pay-to-play” arena that frankly, isn’t gaining them any fans.

Dimensions to Note

Recommended header photo size: 1500 x 500 pixels (up from 1252 x 626)
Recommended profile picture size: 400 x 400 pixels (up from 48 x 48)

If you need assistance with managing your Twitter campaign or preparing for the Twitter redesign, please feel free to contact Informatics and our social media management team can help you out.

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