How much time each day do you spend scouring the web for relevant articles to share with your Facebook followers? Have you ever taken notes on your laptop during a meeting only to forget your laptop at home the next day? Time-consuming tasks and simple mistakes like these can greatly diminish our daily productivity. Here are 5 apps that are sure to make you more efficient at the office.
- Evernote
Evernote is a cloud-based note-taking application which allows you to take notes on one device, such as your iPad, and easily access those notes elsewhere, such as your desktop at work. With this app you won’t have to worry about emailing your notes to yourself nor is it the end of the world if you forget your notes on your laptop at home.
Your notes are available anywhere, anytime, as long as you have an internet connection and can remember your password. Additionally, Evernote supports email so you can easily send your notes to a coworker or forward notes from your email to your Evernote account.
Evernote is free with an optional Premium subscription for $45.00 per year.
- Dropbox
Dropbox is a cloud-based file managing and sharing application that, like Evernote, can be accessed anywhere, anytime. Dropbox is especially great for large files that you cannot send via email. If you have high-quality images, PowerPoint presentations, or large PDFs, you can upload them to your Dropbox and provide access to coworkers or clients. Whether you want to share an entire folder or just send a link, Dropbox is optimal for large file sharing.
Dropbox is free but can be upgraded for more storage.
- Pocket
Pocket is a bookmarking app that allows you to flag specific articles and save them for later. Do you receive a lot of newsletters to your email that you never get around to reading? With Pocket you can send these newsletters from your email account to your Pocket and access them later when you are sitting at home or taking the bus to work.
Pocket is free with an optional Premium subscription for $45.00 per year.
- Flipboard
Flipboard is a magazine RSS reader which allows you to specify which news websites or types of stories you prefer to read and merges them into one easy-to-use news feed. If you often find yourself navigating to the same 3-5 websites each morning, Flipboard can pull the stories from all of these sites into one feed that you can quickly flip through. Essentially, you are creating your own magazine.
Flipboard is free.
- eWallet GO!
eWallet GO! is a secure password storage application. With eWallet GO! you can store all of your usernames and passwords in one highly-secure, encrypted location. Thus, you will only need to remember one password, the password to get into your eWallet application.
Many people either create easy-to-remember passwords that are also easy to hack, or store their passwords in an un-secure location like “notes” on their iPhone. Now, you can create highly secure passwords (like random number, letter, symbol sequences) and you won’t have to worry about remembering them.
eWallet GO! is a paid app, costing $9.99.
Just for Fun Bonus App: Do you travel a lot for work? The World Lens app offers the easiest way to translate a foreign language. All you have to do is open the app and hold your phone over a sign, menu, etc. and the words will translate to the language of your choice.