The Pros and Cons of a WordPress Content Management System

Sep 11, 2014 | Web Development

WordPress is web software that can be used as a content management system for websites. Before selecting a CMS platform, you should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the software.


WordPress is web software that can be used to create both blogs and websites. As such, companies can use WordPress for their content management system (CMS), allowing them to make easy edits to their on-site content and images. Before selecting a CMS platform, you should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the software.

Pros of WordPress CMS

  • Open-Source
    Since WordPress is open-source, you will have the ability to freely modify and distribute code without worrying about licensing fees.
  • Low Cost
    WordPress is a cost-effective option, making it a great choice for smaller businesses and non-profits.
  • Easy to Use
    You don’t have to be a developer to install and use WordPress. It is quite intuitive and a great option for people with little to no experience.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Benefits
    Google especially likes WordPress sites because they tend to automatically solve SEO issues and are easily crawlable by search engines. Also, since WordPress has such a large community, there are many options for SEO plug-ins.

Cons of WordPress CMS

  • Limited Permissions
    Unlike other content management systems, WordPress does not give you the ability to create groups and assign permissions to various people. Therefore, you cannot regulate which sections specific staff members can edit on the site.
  • Security Flaws
    Since WordPress is so large and many of the sites are self-hosted, it is quite attractive to potential hackers.
  • No Native Content Blocks
    WordPress does not offer the ability to natively define multiple content areas within one template which can make managing different sections of content more difficult.
  • E-Commerce Limitations
    While WordPress does have a variety of e-commerce plug-ins available, they do not have high functionality like other systems offer.

WordPress is certainly a great CMS option for many people, however, when it comes to CMS we don’t like to look at one platform as one-size-fits-all. Instead, we believe that while a platform like WordPress may work great for some clients, a different CMS like Drupal, Concrete5, Joomla!, or even a custom approach will work better for others in the long term. If you need help choosing a CMS, contact Informatics Inc.

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